Mimi o Sumaseba

Associated Names
If You Listen Closely
Mimi wo Sumaseba
Mimi wo Sumaseba: Shiawase na Jikan
Whisper of the Heart
Whisper of the Heart: Happy Time

Status in Country of Origin
2 Volumes (Complete)
1 Volume (Bunkoban)

Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Romance, Shoujo, Slice of Life




V.1 - Mimi (w)o Sumaseba
Shizuku Tsukishima loves books. One day, she notices that the name Seiji Amasawa appears on the checkout cards of nearly every book she's borrowed! Before she realizes it, her heart is pounding for a boy she's never met... and that's when a mysterious black cat and Shizuku's sense of wonder guide her to an unusual shop--and introduce her to someone she's been curious to meet! Amazing things can happen...when you listen to your heart. (ShoujoMagic)

V.2 - Shiawase na Jikan
Two years into the future, and Shizuku is now preparing for her entrance exams. The second story, "Kikyou no Saku Koko" (The Blooming of the Balloon Flowers), is an unrelated original story. Tsuge Takayuki is a normal college boy, who, one day, sees a girl admiring the flowers in his front yard, and was reminded of a girl who stood by the flowers one year ago, crying in the rain. He falls in love with her, but will her injured heart accept his feelings?

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