Akaboshi - Ibun Suikoden

Associated Names
Akaboshi: Ibun Suikoden
Morning Star

Status in Country of Origin
3 Volumes (Complete)

Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Martial Arts, Shounen

AMANO Youichi

AMANO Youichi


Based on the Chinese novel Shui Hu Zhuan, this series is about the trials and tribulations of a band of outlaws during the mid Song Dynasty.

After the war, which lasted 70 years motivated through greed, the Song Dynasty took control and managed to unite China as one. Having made alliances with the Northern countries, there were no enemies left that could invade. With such peace in hand, the country has made much progress, but that time has worn out. With no enemies left to fulfill such greed, it was inevitable that it would befall upon the common people.

However, a revolution has begun and the world will once again see change. 108 heroes gather under the Taiten-Gyoudou flag. A group of chivalrous thieves who travel the path to change the heavens. A new take on the Suikoden epic has begun with an encounter between Suiren, a young village girl believing in the bandits, and "Falling Star" Tai Sou, a traveling swordsman whose skill precedes him.

* Suikoden (水滸伝) is a Japanese translation for Shui Hu Zhuan.

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