Batsu & Teri

Associated Names
バツ&テリー 愛狂抗争編
Bats & Terry
The Battery

Status in Country of Origin
24 Volumes 1982 (Complete)
13 Volumes 1991 (Complete)
12 Volumes 2002 (Complete)

Action, Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Romance, School Life, Shounen, Sports

OSHIMA Yasuichi

OSHIMA Yasuichi


How about some old school?

Bats & Terry are the two tough guys in the school. They don’t take crap from anyone, not even teachers. They will fight anyone necessary, and will defend strangers (especially pretty girls) from danger. They’re good at it too. Some people are in terror of them, and some love them.

When they rescue one especially pretty girl from a gang they fight over her, but it’s all friendly and they both recognize that she has some scars. The police hassle them and yet admire them when they break up the gang.

Oh, and they’re the star pitcher and catcher for the high school baseball team!

Won the 8th Kodansha Manga Award for shounen in 1984.

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