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    1. #181
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      Thời gian: 11PM
      Địa điểm: Terminus - Forest

      "Did you take a sneak at my face when I fell asleep the other night?"

      "No, I didn't-"

      "Better be honest now if you don't want me to burn your ass."

      By now Suga was a hundred percent sure that Seif had figured out his identity all along, and the freaking man just said nothing about it, pretending he didn't know anything. But Suga wasn't an idiot. The way the blue head treated him was completely different from the other teammates. Not something too obvious, it was subtle in some way, not in the form that bystanders could see but the person received the affection could feel really well. He could sense the way Seif looked at him had shifted after that night. It wasn't any different from the gaze the man had always been giving him, the actual Suga.

      And the way he touched him too. It didn't stay casual like how it had been before that night happened anymore. The touches... they lingered.

      So here he was, deciding to stop this ridiculous dance they'd been dancing the last couple of days. What's the point in hiding when the other has already known the truth? That would only make it more embarrassing than being busted straight in the face. Honestly, Suga was a bit mad at how Seif deciding to keep silent. But then again, that was so like the man's character.


      "So you know who I am now right?"

      The blue head quietly nodded. Suga just clicked his tongue, tossing the glasses from his face, along with the book in his hand to the ground. He gazed aimlessly at the flickering flame, letting out a long, heavy sigh.

      "Haa... This is so stupid."

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    2. #182
      Nông Dân
      Last Order
      Ashe Whole
      SP: 369
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      Nhân vật:
      Thời gian: 4/7/2021
      Địa điểm: Fukudou Nghịch Đảo

      Tại sao em lại ở đây?

      Đôi mắt to tròn của em giãn ra đầy kinh hãi khi bắt gặp bóng dáng anh thanh niên tóc tím chết tiệt nào đó. Ngày bên cạnh em. Tầm ba bước chân. Em đã định không bao giờ quay lại nữa rồi cơ mà. Hoặc ít nhất không dính dáng cái tên vũ phu, có tiềm năng gây bạo lực gia đình này nữa. Thế rốt cuộc làm cách nào họ lại dính phải tình huống này?

      “Trời hôm nay đẹp nhỉ?”

      “Hả?” Em hơi ngạc nhiên khi đối phương bắt chuyện. Từ lúc nhận nhiệm vụ đến giờ gã chẳng để tâm đến em, dù chỉ một chút. Sao tự dưng đổi ý? Đã thế lại còn là một câu bóng gió xanh rờn, em cũng chẳng biết phải đáp lại thế nào. “À… ừ…”

      Ý em là, đẹp cái gì mà đẹp. Ở cái chỗ tên Terminus, Fukudou nghịch đảo này, lúc nào em cũng chỉ thấy một màu đỏ lòm thôi. Ngày này qua ngày khác. Hay cái gã đấy cuồng màu đỏ?

      Em nguầy nguậy lắc đầu. Nhưng tóc gã màu tím. Mắt gã màu hồng nữa. Vì một số lý do khó ký giải, những người xung quanh em rất thích màu tóc họ. Hoặc màu mắt. Chẳng phải việc được sinh ra sở hữu ngoại hình y như sở thích của bản thân là một phép màu, lại còn là phép màu trên diện rộng, sao?

      Mà, em chắc chắn vì em là người tư chất đặc biệt nên mới thu hút những người số đỏ như thế.

      “Này, em có…”

      Giọng nói người kia kéo em về thực tại. Em ngờ ngợ hãm tài của tóc tím. Dù có ghét gã thế nào đi nữa, em vẫn không thể phủ nhận dung mạo người này. Đôi lông mày khẽ lại gần nhau, tạo một vẻ trầm mặc khó tả. Dưới ánh sáng đỏ dìu dịu của bầu trời Terminus, gần như những tia nắng hoàng hôn lãng mạn trữ tình, người con trai ấy đẩy cái nhìn đầy đam mê về phía em. Thình thịch, thình thịch.

      Trái tim em lạc mất một nhịp.

      Bất thình lình, gã đàn ông tóc tím quì xuống.

      W- Wah-?! Tình tiết tiến triển kiểu gì thế này?! Chờ đã chờ đã- Em chưa chuẩn bị tâm lý! Mà em đã nghĩ gã không ưa em cơ. Suốt ngày quát mắng dọa nạt thế mà. Lẽ nào gã là tsundere trong truyền thuyết?!

      “…Gi… úp…” Phải mất gần nửa phút não em mới xử lý được những lời thều thào từ miệng gã. Đôi mắt em chầm chậm chuyển hướng khỏi gương mặt trắng bệch người kia xuống đầu gối. “Đầu gối anh chảy máu…”

      Y như rằng, trên chiếc quần âu có một vệt đen đỏ nổi hẳn.

      Gò má em đỏ ửng, không biết vì giận dữ hay xấu hổ. Cơ mà, ha ha, em còn chờ đợi gì khác từ con người này? Phần nào đó, sâu thẳm bên trong, em cảm thấy nhẹ nhọm.

      Giờ thì… tạm gác sự tích vết thương cũng như nguyên nhân tóc tím không tự chữa lành bản thân được dù là một Astrator sang một bên, vác người này xuống phòng y tá sơ cứu thế nào đây?
      Trả lời kèm trích dẫn

    3. #183

      1 PM | Terminus - Reversed Fukudou | 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12


      Frankly, Seif was terrified.

      He was so freaking terrified.

      Was it the first time Seif got busted? Well, it was - indeed. Not that he was extremely good at hiding stuffs or faking anything (you would laugh at that if you were someone close to him), but rather than counting possibilities, this was the first time Seif lied.

      (Army stuffs were some exceptions. But he rarely lied too.)

      Yes Seif was that sincere and that honest (or rather, he was too stubborn to say anything but the truth - I know you're screaming "angelic" again but man, accept it), and here he was, lying to someone as dear to him as Suga. He felt sweat secretly rolled on his temple as Suga's rage seemed to be at the edge of exploding. Or his upset. Or some disappointment that Seif really didn't want to dig into (that would just make him a ball of self-loath and depression).

      Oh how Seif wished he had never, ever, peaked at "Carlos's" face. Never ever crossed the damn line of mere comradeship and got himself a secret that he could never keep, no matter how hard he tried to stay nonchalant. Seif had tried, yes, he had tried really hard to act normally around Suga. Because that was Suga's wish right? He couldn't change the fact that Suga had already been in the mission with them (hell, Seif was still worried about having upset Suga the night before they came here even), so he should, at least, let Suga have his fun.

      (He had even imagined Suga's victorious smile - smirk - when the younger revealed the truth himself; and Seif would happily accept his defeat.)

      That should be easy, right? He could just treat Suga like his other comrades, since he was usually good to them anyways.

      The problem was, it wasn't.

      It was not easy to ignore the fact that Suga was Suga (or Carlos was Suga, actually). Not one bit. Seif was attracted to the man even before finding out his identity, and when he did, that attraction, less guilt, would only get stronger. It was strange, wasn't it? He had stayed with Suga for years and gotten into a relationship with him for months now, yet he still yearned for their touches like a starved kitten (kittens were beasts when they were hungry). It was torturous, knowing that Suga was here but he couldn't hold him like he usually did. Couldn't take care of him as well as he usually did, and receive his reward that was Suga's contentment - primely reserved for him. Couldn't touch him like he usually did (because surely Seif would not have the need to brush his finger on Clare's or Archer's palm one second too long, would he?), or hug him (didn't even dare, that was too close), or kiss him, laying him on a soft mattress and pampering him with gentle caresses during freezing cold nights. The furthest he could allow himself was some slight, very careful hug he could sneak after secretly exchanging guarding schedule (and gaining himself a very skeptical look from Clare - luckily the girl didn't care so much and her brother was just as carefree). He couldn't even warm Suga properly.

      Thoss still hadn't counted his worry about safety. It was a miracle that Seif would still be able to keep his straight face. (But actually he had done that quite well - kind of his element.)

      Seif wished he could just bang his head somewhere and lost that tiny bit of devastated memory. But then again he was not sure if he wanted to stay oblivious of the fact.

      That Suga was here with him.

      Suga was here, and he wouldn't have to wait until the mission ended to see him again. Because Suga was already here. Really, really close.

      He didn't want Suga to turn away.

      "No... wait!"

      (Suga hadn't even walked away yet. Seif just felt the need to grab him.)

      It must have been the most careless of Seif, when he didn't consider where his force would orientate and as a result, dragged Suga to the ground along with his tug at the younger's wrist. He was conscious of the surrounding enough to direct their fall though, so that Suga would not be pained anywhere but nicely pinned to the ground between his hands. Things happened fast. It only took a small thud for the two to find themselves on the forest bed, behind the tree log, and completely in a private world.

      At least that was what Seif felt like when he felt Suga's gaspy breaths brushed his cheeks, and his scent washed over the soldier. Suga's hair slipped between his fingers as he held his head close into something like a hug, with his other hand used as a supporting pillar. Looking at Suga's lensed eyes, he felt his own breathing hitched. "Wait."

      Seif swallowed. Heat raised up within the limited airspace between them, and suddenly Seif felt muted. His ears were filled with Suga's breathing. As if having forgotten how to speak up his apology, or how to actually do anything, Seif just stayed like that for almost a minute, eyes locked intensely with the other's.

      He missed being able to look at him openly, as how Seif Friedhelm look at his stubborn lover.

      His gazes gradually softened. He took a moment to look at every details on the younger's face, hand brushing through his hair, gently pulling out the wig and beanie to reveal a familiar mint color. Seif liked that a lot more (of course).

      Instead of the much needed apology, saying that he didn't mean to upset him or sneak on him or even lie, and this wasn't stupid because that was brilliant he was actually thankful that Suga was here (Seif felt like an idiot, contradicting himself), Seif just put on a very strained face that resembled a lost puppy (because he felt pained at the thought of hurting Suga's feelings), before leaning in and touching their forehead together. He gave in to his longing soon after that, when their breaths mingled and emotions took over him in the form of a slow, passionate kiss. Starting from the farthest corner of Suga's mouth, slowly getting inside, bit by bit, like he had never kissed Suga fully before.

      Somewhere in the middle of that, between kisses and breaths, an "I miss you" was mumbled and another tiny "Suga" was called, though even Seif couldn't hear himself. It's Suga not Carlos. He missed loving Suga.

      @Sabrina San
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    4. #184
      Tục tưng
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      Thời gian: 11PM
      Địa điểm: Terminus - Forest

      It was sudden, everything happened in a blink of an eye. One moment he was about to stand up and leave, then the next thing he knew was that he was pinned to the ground, locked in between Seif's arms.

      The sudden and rather aggressive action got Suga stunned a little, he just laid there staring back at the blue head with a blank expression.


      I'm being pinned down.

      Seif is so close.

      Right now in his range of vision, all Suga could see was Seif. As if he was blinded to everything else, except the man before his eyes.

      As Seif's gaze traveled along his face, Suga felt himself doing the same, all the while vaguely recalling the moment the other raising his voice before pulling him down. That was... new, because usually Seif was more composed and passive. Scratch that, this whole situation was unusual, for Seif to initiate it. He had expected the elder to do nothing and let him go back to the tent in silence. This had caught him off guard, definitely.

      It was strange, how he'd been feeling pissed and exhausted just a minute ago, and now there was nothing but calm, soothing gentleness as the elder's hand brushed his wig and beanie off, his messy mint locks tangled in the fingers. It felt so warm, as if he was being wrapped in a nest.

      Then he saw it, Seif pulling a very strained face looking at him. He looked pained, like he was about to cry, and Suga's eyes widened at that. Before he could voice out anything, Seif leaned in even closer making their forehead touched.

      Kiss me already.

      It frustrated Suga sometimes, when it took so long for the blue head to finally touch him the way he wanted. Though Suga could start things first, he'd give the elder time to process his thoughts and feelings, because Seif was really slow at that.

      Then it finally happened. It was sweet and warm, nearly reverent, Suga's entire body lost to Seif and yet hyperaware. His hands winded up around the elder's neck slowly, body leaning into Seif as he willingly let his mouth apart. He felt Seif kissed his upper lip, tongue sweeping against the bottom, still slow, hazy. The man's hand cupped his face, pushing against his form until Suga was firmly pressed against the ground, one strong arm supporting his head. He couldn't help but shivered visibly when their tongues met. There was electricity washing over him, tingling under his skin.

      Oh how he missed this feeling, this sensation, this heat, all caused by one man. He didn't realize how much he'd missed Seif, until now.

      "I miss you... Suga."

      He shivered again. Yeah, he missed that voice calling his name too.

      Suga fell apart like an unraveling ball of thread, hands desperate as they clung to Seif, little moans filling the space around them. The elder's teeth grazing his lip before nipping at the skin. He licked the wound, tongue pressing against Suga's, sucking his quivering gasps into his mouth along with his tongue. Suga had no idea how long they'd been kissing, it was like he had blacked out the world, the only thing his ears could hear was the lewd noises their lips and tongues made, and their erratic breathing.

      It wasn't until his lungs screamed for oxygen that he finally pulled away, skin a rosy red.

      "I wanna have sex with you right now." Suga whispered in between breaths, cupping the elder's face in his hands, their foreheads pressed against each other. He closed his eyes to gather his thoughts a bit. He knew he just blurted out something very absurd, but that was honestly what he wanted to do now.

      Sửa lần cuối bởi Sabrina San; 05-03-2017 lúc 12:53.
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    5. #185

      1 PM | Terminus - Reversed Fukudou | 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12


      There was fire inside him right now.

      For a moment or more when their lips touched and their tongues lingered, mingled together, and then the sensation hit him, hit him hard, as he felt Suga shivered under him and even his breaths had been becoming scorchingly hot... at all those fragments of the seemingly-endless time, Seif had almost forgotten where they were and who they were with, along with whatsoever rational thinking he could swirl around his mind, to be engulfed completely and so very willingly in his longing for Suga. Seif knew that the younger felt the same; there was that calmed but almost impatient desire and eagerness burning in his eyes, yelling for him to be quick, and Seif would put up nothing against complying. Not only desire... but a very loving desire, from both him and Suga, and for that he felt like they were already one in mind.

      It took Seif a long while to realize that, didn't it? That he didn't want to love the younger by just being there and taking care of him - Suga most probably did not want to be petted like that either. He wanted Suga, to caress him and appreciate him, as much as he wanted to make him happy.

      Was that all good? Okay? His brain seemed to decide against thinking about anything like that and just enjoy the moment with Suga, or perhaps it had decided to already throw away all those unnecessary things. Seif wasn't sure about that, he would have to check his mind later. Right now he felt... happy.

      Looking closely at Suga's rosy cheeks and cloudy eyes, he felt unbelievably happy. So when their kisses broke and their foreheads touched again, he let out a small, breathy chuckle. He felt so stupid, having thought that Suga might get upset with being restrained and pinned to the ground. One look into his younger lover's eyes and he knew it was not the case. Seif kissed his forehead and then his temple, his lips pressed on the younger's skin with a content sigh, fingers curled around his humid hair, slightly massaging his scalp. If this could not be on the stiff ground and there were not two teammates of theirs that could return anytime now, Seif was quite sure they had stayed like that for a good fifteen minutes, then they could stick around a bit longer...

      "I wanna have sex with you right now."

      ... I do, too.

      Seif knew that it was just a statement Suga made to let him know, but the words still sent a wave of electricity down to his stomach. His eyes were still closed and his lips still lingered somewhere near his fine jawline, brushing it bit by bit until he finally looked up from the slight silence, seriously seemed like having thought a lot. His eyebrows drawn together as he spoke up, or rather, murmured very lowly into Suga's ears.

      "I don't... want anyone else to see you, Suga."

      @Sabrina San
      Trả lời kèm trích dẫn

    6. #186
      Tục tưng
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      Thời gian: 11PM
      Địa điểm: Terminus - Forest

      He knew Seif wanted the same. Not just because he saw something glinted in the elder's eyes the moment he voiced out that sentence, but also... well, him and Seif were practically pressing agaisnt each other, so of course he could feel it - the desire, physically.

      He also knew Seif would hold back. The elder wasn't one to lose to temptation easily. It was also logical thinking to not doing dirty stuff now, they were in the middle of a forest with teammates sleeping just a few feet away, lacking all needed items for sex, of course anyone in their right mind wouldn't do that.

      But the reason Seif gave him was so ridiculous.

      "I don't want anyone else to see you."

      Suga chuckled hard at that. Normally it would come off as cheesy if it were someone else speaking, but coming from Seif, it felt genuine. He could be sure that was what the elder really felt. Anyway, it was still cheesy.

      "That was sweet. Don't worry, I'm not an exhibitionist, so not now." He giggled.

      They stayed there for a moment in comfortable silence, Seif stroking and massaging Suga's scalp while littering soft kisses from his face to his hair, and Suga just lied there melting into the endearing warmth and gentle gestures.

      "When are we going back? 'Cause I really can't take it anymore." He opened his eyes and asked in a lazy tone. He mostly meant the "going all the way" thingy, but truthfully he was fed up with the mission too at this point.

      Trả lời kèm trích dẫn

    7. #187

      1 PM | Terminus - Reversed Fukudou | 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12


      Suga laughed at him. Chuckled, whatever. Anyways, that must make Seif embarrassed a little, as his eyebrows drew together and his neck red, not so much to be noticed with all the shadows covering them both but since Suga's hands were on his nape, he must be able to tell the heat burning on his skin. Then again Seif didn't mind that much. He didn't mind getting embarrassed a bit in front of Suga, knowing full well that the other was not making fun of him and his sudden exclamation of true feelings. How Seif truly felt. How he sinfully wanted Suga for him and him only. That was such a difficult statement for Seif to make, and such a huge step of realization for him to go. Suga knew that. In his eyes glistening with amusement, at that time, Seif can only see joy and affection.

      And so were Seif's. He smiled along with Suga's little joke, hand continued to brush through his hair in a relaxing way, answered his questions casually and carried on their small comfy talk until there were some footsteps to be heard from the other side of their tree log. Those of their teammates and not from any suspicious source. Seif had checked with the headquarter just before he was busted. There were no sign of Shadows in days, and the teams were running low on supply. An order to pull back parts of their force had already been issued, and so their team would leave and return to the base tomorrow.

      That was, actually, Seif's request - to be in the returning troop. As a leader of his team.

      "It's tomorrow, don't worry."

      Planting yet another kiss on Suga's soft lips and then helping him fix his disguise, Seif rose up, making himself comfortable on the log once again. He handed Suga his book while he himself started working on the radar. Seif was still not good at this and his teammates knew that, but still, he had to make reports every day (Clare didn't even bother to offer her help at something so "full of automatic boredom").

      "I thought you guys were having a cold war or something? When did you make up like this?"

      Shooting the young man a calm look, Seif told him his most confident lie in life. Actually, not really a lie. He just didn't tell the whole truth.

      "We're comrades, Archer."

      Suga went to the battle field just like him, fought alongside with him, that made them "comrades".

      It sounded actually nice.


      The next morning came with a quiet noise of the unliving, staggering around like a bunch of headless corpse. After the bombing incident that happened five days ago, they decided to not engage with those things and just idly watch, observe what they were up to this time. Reports from other groups showed no sign of abnormality in those five days, and soon enough, the retreat order was given out.

      They departed early that morning. With Clare not saying anything and Archer who was actually excited about having a short break, they careful moved through the dense forest in order to get back to the rear. A van had been waiting there for them. Looking around, Seif noticed there were about four more teams receiving the same order. The Jian kid was in one of those too. He spotted Seif through the window and jumped in the car with him, just when Suga fell asleep next to him, his head with the beanie rested softly on his shoulder. Seif put a finger on his lips, gesturing the kid not to be so loud like he usually was.

      "Seif-ge! You guys also... Oh."

      You Jian paused. A mix of curiosity and confusion crossed his eyes when he looked at the white-haired man, but then he was drawn to a conversation with Seif, asking if he was fine since there was some bandages on his right shoulder.

      "Oh, this? Don't worry ge, I was just being careless. Anyway, was that your teammate? He looks like a mystic ninja."

      Indeed, with such high collar and a pair of dark goggles. It would be weird for someone like You Jian not to be interested in that look. Seif nodded.

      "I haven't seen him before but somehow I feel like I have already seen him... hmm. Do I know him Seif-ge?"

      "He's new." Seif pushed the kid lightly so he didn't get too close to the disguised Suga. Suga now was still Carlos, and Carlos had the right to keep some secrets for himself. Not to mention Carlos was scary when it came to someone sneaking a glance. You Jian wouldn't want that. "His name is Carlos."

      "Carlos... I really don't know him I guess. He looks tired."

      "Yeah." The journey was harsh, especially for someone new to the world of soul.

      "Then it's good that we're heading to the hot spring is it?" You Jian smiled brightly. The kid clearly remembered that resort well, since he had had so much fun playing on the beach. He patted Seif's shoulder before moving away from the front seat to get to the door. "I've to return to my team, ge. See you at the spring."

      "Okay. Have fun, kid."

      The kid grinned, before running to where his team was. He was sure getting along well with things going on. Seif rested his head on the chair back, all the while thinking of his own friend and teammates when the car started to roll. His teammates returned then. He kept a hand on Suga's waist so that the younger got a comfortable position.

      Two hours of their journey back, Seif then got some rest for himself.


      Suga didn't seem to be ready to wake up when the car stopped, then he even slept through when Seif took a room for him and got him there, tugged on a nice mattress with soft blanket. Seif figured he should go and grab some food for them, as it's starting to get dark and Suga hadn't eaten anything since this morning.

      @Sabrina San
      Trả lời kèm trích dẫn

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