Betty Crocker Diabetes Cookbook
Great-tasting, Easy Recipes for Every Day

Author Betty Crocker
Publisher Betty Crocker
Year: 2012
Language: English
Pagers: 264 pages
Types: EPUB
Total: 32.4 MB
An updated new edition of the bestselling diabetes cookbook from Betty Crocker and the International Diabetes Center

Here's a fresh new edition of the cookbook that proves that people who have diabetes don't have to give up the foods they love and, in fact, can eat incredibly satisfying food every day, for every meal. The Betty Crocker Diabetes Cookbook delivers delicious and healthful recipes for diabetics, along with the latest medical and nutrition information from the International Diabetes Center.

This new edition includes brand-new recipes and photos, along with tips and menus that focus on using carbohydrate choices. Plus, an easy-to-understand introductory section provides helpful insight and vital guidance for those with diabetes.

With the Betty Crocker Diabetes Cookbook, great-tasting meals are never off-limits for people with diabetes.

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