Onikiri Jyuzo

Associated Names
Demon-cutter Jyuzo
Eye of the Dog Juuzou
Eye of the Dog, Jyuzo
JUZO, Demon Killer

Status in Country of Origin
4 Volumes (Complete)

Action, Fantasy, Seinen, Supernatural





Starting in the middle, about 1800 years ago in a mythical Japan, a magician, Seibei Abeno, sets about to create a conflict that will pick up 800 years later. In order to do this, he turns a fellow magician, Douman, evil; while simultanously ensuring that Douman will meet defeat at the hands of his lover, the shape-changing kitsune (fox spirit) Osaki. He also creates a handful of humanoid dogs, and some super-powered humanoid ravens, and raises a human girl, Kotori, as his own daughter. Seibei tricks Douman into getting into a position where he is trapped along with Osaki inside a dagger protected with a magic seal.

The series starts with the events that unfold 800 years later. Seibei is long dead. Most of the magical creatures are still alive and mostly physically unchanged. Two children, the descendants of Kotori, are currently living in their father's house. The dagger has been handed down from Kotori to the youngest of the two children, Kanako. Kanako is betrothed to her step brother, Jyuzo. Jyuzo has just returned from a training sabbatical, where he has consumed the soul of one of the magical creatures, the dog god Gouza. The sabbatical was designed to make him strong enough to protect Kanako. About this time, Kanako's older full brother, Genzou, sneaks into the house to steal the dagger, which he intends to pawn for some quick gambling money. Their father interrupts him, and Genzou pulls the dagger out of the sheath, thus releasing Douman and Osaki from their 800-year imprisonment. Douman immediately steals Genzou's body and tranfers Genzou's soul into Kaneko's body. From here, things start getting difficult to follow, but the point is to figure out what Seibei wanted to have happen 800 years into his own future, between Douman, Jyuzo, Kanako, Genzo and Osaki.

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