
Associated Names
H・A・L はいぱあ・あかでみっく・らぼ
HAL はいぱああかでみっくらぼ
HAL - Hyper Academic Laboratory
Hyper Academic Laboratory

Status in Country of Origin
2 Volumes (Complete)

Sci-fi, Seinen

ASARI Yoshitoo

ASARI Yoshitoo


One day, on her route to school, Rika notices a strange laboratory on top of a building. When she goes to investigate, she discovers the bizarre Hyper Academic Laboratory, where the childlike, microscope-goggled Kijirushi conducts his research along with his mysterious, shadow-like homunculus. Rika finds herself dragged along through explanations and demonstrations of various scientific mysteries, such as sea monkeys, the Schrodinger's cat thought experiment, the doppler effect, and much more!

An educational manga for adults by the author of the popular Lucu Lucu and Wahhaman, delving into the mysteries of modern science and other curiosities. Incidentally, though some of the concepts explained are real and factual, the author occasionally engages in amusing fabrication.

**Nội dung ẩn: Để xem được nội dung này bạn phải có số bài gửi lớn hơn hoặc bằng 1.**

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