Guuguu Datte Neko de Aru

Associated Names
Cher Gou-Gou...mon petit chat, mon petit ami.
Even Gou-gou Is a Cat
GūGū Datte Neko de Aru (Cher Gou-Gou...mon petit chat, mon petit ami.)
Goo Goo Datte Neko de Aru
Gou-gou Datte Neko de Aru
Gou-Gou, the Cat
Gu-Gu Datte Neko de Aru

Status in Country of Origin
6 Volumes Tankoubon (Complete)
2 Volumes Bunko

Drama, Josei, Psychological, Slice of Life




Gou Gou Datte Neko de Aru was serialized beginning 1996. It sold a total of more than 800,000 copies, making it a sleeper hit, and had been loved for a long time. Mangaka Oshima Yumiko depicted her daily life with an American short-haired cat, Gou Gou, and turned it into this essay manga masterpiece. The setting was Kojima's home in Kichijoji, Musashino where she lived with her cats. While writing the series, she also battled with ovarian tumor, and in one story arc, she depicted this experience in a humorous manner. At the end of the series, there was a total of 13 cats in the Oshima home. During the changing seasons, somehow, time flew when depicting her life living with cats. However, during the series, she had learned to discern many of these cats. That, they would stare straight ahead, during times of illnesses and death.

In 2008, the manga received the Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize Short Story Award. After that, it continued to be serialized until 2011. The series ended with Gou Gou's passing. It was adapted into a live action film in 2008 and a Japanese television drama that premiered in WOWOW in the fall of 2014.

Gou Gou's name: As told in the manga, the cat's name is derived from "good good". But the author, having named her first cat, "Ça va" (French for "How are you"), also writes the second cat's name in French, "Gou Gou" (which is pronounced as "guu-guu"). The title of the manga essay is "Cher Gou-Gou...mon petit chat, mon petit ami (Dear Gou Gou... my little cat, my little friend)". But the whole manga series is collectively known as "Gou Gou Datte Neko de Aru".

(Source: earth_colors)

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