30-sai no Hoken Taiiku: Koi no Step Up Hen

Associated Names
30歳の保健体育 恋のステップアップ編
30sai no Hoken Taiiku: Koi no Step Up Hen
Health and Physical Education for the Thirty-Year Old: Romantic Love's Step-Up Compilation
Hoken-Taiiku for 30 Years Old: Koi no Step Up Hen
Sanjuusai no Hoken Taiiku: Koi no Suteppuappu Hen

Status in Country of Origin
2 Volumes (Complete)

Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, Seinen




Yamada has not had a girlfriend in his entire 30 year life and is still a virgin. He'd had a crush on Tanaka in high school, and to his delighted excitement, when they met at their reunion they began going out together!

But because Yamada has had 30 years of absolutely no experience with women, he struggles with even the absolutely simplest of things, such holding hands. What makes it more complicated is that Tanaka is also a shy person who isn’t great at leading him through the process. The couple awkwardly makes their way through the relationship one nervous step at a time.

**Nội dung ẩn: Để xem được nội dung này bạn phải có số bài gửi lớn hơn hoặc bằng 1.**

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