100 Manen no Onna-tachi

Associated Names
1000000-en no Onna-tachi
100-manen no Onna-tachi
Women of a Million Yen

Status in Country of Origin
4 Volumes (Complete)

Drama, Harem, Mystery, Psychological, Seinen

AONO Shunjuu

AONO Shunjuu


Michima Shin is an author who's books don't sell and who's father is a murderer guilty of killing Shin's mother and two others. One day he comes home to find a woman sitting in his house. It turns out that she received a letter inviting her to live in his home and pay a rent of 1,000,000 yen every month. In exchange he is not to inquire about her private life and not to enter her room. He's also to fix meals and run errands for her. The only thing is, Shin isn't the one that sent the invitation. Soon four other woman show up under the same circumstances. How can they afford the arrangement and why would they agree to such an invitation? And just who is behind the entire scheme?

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